👀 Watch out for forgiveness fraudsters

Welcome to the 352 new readers this week! They've joined 8,358 readers getting no b.s. student loan news.

Hey ,

Before we get into this week’s stories, I want to say something to anyone sat there feeling ashamedabout their loans.

Life f**king happens. And never in the way you expect. So I urge you ignore any so-called “experts” who brag about paying their debts while shaming those who can’t. Their perspective is often ignorant, unsympathetic, and overly virtuous.

If you’re trying to make your time on earth better by reducing a debt that was literallydesigned to become unmanageable, hats off to you. Keep going—you are not alone.

Now, let’s get into it.

  • 👀 Forgiveness scams are surging. Stay alert.

  • 💸 Tips for Parent PLUS borrowers

  • 💪 Should I switch to SAVE?

  • 🗳️ I need your vote!

And more…

Grab a drink, take a seat, and hit play 👇

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low down:

  • 👀Forgiveness scams are surging. Stay alert.
    I didn’t mention this in the video, so listen up—scammers thrive in chaos and confusion. So it’s unsurprising that they’re out in full force right now, trying to rip off hopeful borrowers who are eagerly awaiting forgiveness. If someone calls asking you to pay a fee to “unlock” forgiveness, it’s a scam. Make sure you log into your studentaid.gov to fact check any info you get over email or phone. And if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe out there.

  • 👩‍👦‍👦What about Parent PLUS borrowers?
    If you’re a Parent PLUS borrower, it might feel like everyone’s getting a break except you right now. So if high interest is making monthly payments unmanageable, there are a few things you can do:

    1. Take advantage of the double consolidation loophole

    2. If you’ve already consolidated before, consider taking out another school loan to access double consolidation.

    3. Just need a break? You could apply to put your loans into forbearance. This would let you pause your payments temporarily, giving you time to work on a long-term plan. Which I’m always here to help with.

  • Thanks to everyone who came along to the SAVE webinar
    This was an awesome conversation. We were lucky to have Steven Fox join us to share tips and loopholes from his unique perspective as a financial planner. Check out Steven’s services.

  • ⚖️ Should I switch to the SAVE plan?
    Some of you will be switched over automatically. But if you have to manually switch, make sure it’s the right plan for you first. In case you missed it, here are the key takeaways from my webinar last Saturday:

    • This repayment plan will help many student loan borrowers lower their monthly payments and reduce interest charges.

    • To maximize benefits, pay close attention to key deadlines for consolidating loans and updating contact information.

    • Compare how your payment could change between plans and get expert advice if needed.

    • While potential drawbacks do exist, SAVE will offer more affordable options for those struggling with student debt.

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  • 1 referral: Access to our exclusive Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 10 referrals: An invite to a small webinar, where I’ll answer your questions live (worth $5)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for stopping by, . I hope this was helpful. As always, if you want 1:1 help managing or erasing your loans, I’m right here.

Take care,
