😳 Is SAVE safe? Lawsuit update.

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Welcome to the 421 new readers this week! They've joined 14,458 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hello friends,

Before we dive into the news, I’d be so grateful if you could take this quick survey. Why? I want to learn more about you so my team and I can serve you more of the content you want + need.

With that out the way, let’s dive into today’s stories.

  • 📣 SAVE gets hit with a lawsuit + I walk you through it. (video)

  • 🚨 PSLF moves away from MOHELA (link)

  • 🤝 Certain states appoint “advocate” for borrowers (link)

  • 🎤 Survey: Help us give you what you need (start survey)

  • 👀 Is this graduate “delusional” for not paying? (video)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: How to qualify for PSLF (video)

  • 💸 Win a 1:1 call with me (worth $200) (refer two people)

Ready? Hit play 👇

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 🍩 The DONUT: News you’ll actually want to read
    It’s hard to keep up with the news when it’s all doom and gloom. That’s why I love The DONUT. They cut through the noise and negativity to deliver impartial, engaging news to my inbox every morning. And it’s 100% free.
    Join 154,000+ readers staying informed while staying sane

  • 🎤 Survey: Help me give you more of what you need
    I need your help designing my new website. If you have a minute, I’d love it if you could tell me who you are and what you’re struggling with—even if you’ve told me before.
    Start the survey

  • 🤝 Certain states appoint “advocate” to support borrowers
    Minnesota announced they’re appointing a Student Loan Advocate position to help borrowers. They’re joining several other states who also offer this service.
    Hear my take (10:37)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: How to qualify for PSLF
    Last Friday, we helped 61-year-old Jamie who’s struggling to qualify for PSLF. I told him why certain employment periods may not qualify, and steps to take if he thinks his loans have been mishandled.
    Watch the video

  • 👀 Is this graduate “delusional” for not paying her loans?
    I found this TikTok the other day. A graduate says she’s ignoring her loans because she has faith Biden will forgive them. Is she right, or is she reckless?
    Hear my take (14:20)

  • 💸 Giveaway reminder: win a 1:1 call with me (worth $200)
    $200 isn’t always easy to come by. So I’m giving away a free consultation call to one of you. To enter, refer two people* to this newsletter. We’ll announce the winner in a few weeks.
    1 referral = 1 entry.
    Enter the giveaway
    * Our system wasn’t rewarding people with one referral, so we had to increase the limit to two.

🤩 Ask me anything

Every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. Check out last week’s video. Got a question for me?

🗣️ Share this newsletter

Share this newsletter with someone who’s struggling, and get this in return:

  • 2 referrals: 1 x Entry into a giveaway for a free 1:1 call with me, Tate

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
