SAVE Plan AMA Office Hours Today

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Hey friends,

As you know, the federal courts entered a preliminary injunction that blocks the Education Department from taking various actions related to the SAVE Plan.

Naturally, this has led to many questions about what this means for you.

Honestly, I don’t have a lot of answers today. That said, I understand the need to talk through things to at least quiet our worst fears.

With that in mind, I’m doing an AMA Save Plan office hours-style session today, Monday, July 22, starting at 1 pm EST. Basically, I’ll be in a Zoom waiting to answer questions you have about what all this means. I’ll do my best to give you what I know, which ain’t much. But I do want you to know I’m here for you.

You can sign up here.

If you cannot make it, we’ll share the replay later this week, along with all the resources we’ve collected

Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again this Wednesday with our regular newsletter

Take care,
