🤯 It's really happening

Welcome to the 59 new readers this week!

They've joined 7919 readers getting no b.s. student loan news.

Hey ,

What a week.

I’ve seen $300k loans shrink down to $0. I’ve seen clients on the verge of bankruptcy get their lives transformed overnight. And I’ve seen enough happy tears to fill a damn lake.

So let’s get into this week’s stories…

  • 🥳 It happened—804,000 people got their forgiveness

  • 🥺 Didn’t get yours? Here’s what you can do

  • đź“… Payments restart in October. Are you ready?

  • ✨ A new and improved Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 🙏 I need your vote!

  • And more…

Come on in, fix yourself a drink, and hit that play button👇

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low down:

  • 🥳It happened—804,000 people got their forgiveness

    Republican groups tried to scare us with a lawsuit last week. But they failed. And many of you have already gotten your federal loans wiped out under the IDR Waiver. If your account says $0 but you haven’t gotten your letter, don’t worry. It’s coming.

  • 🥺Didn’t get your federal loans forgiven?

    If we’ve worked together 1:1 to get you on the forgiveness path, your loans could get fully or partially wiped out in the next few months. For some of you, forgiveness won’t happen right away. But at the very least, The Department of Education will reach out and tell you how long you’ve got left before your letter arrives.

    If you haven’t worked with me yet and you want to get on the path to forgiveness, feel free to book a 1:1 strategy session. I’ll try and get you that golden letter in the next few months, too.

  • đź“…Repayments start in October. Are you ready?
    If you’re eligible, make sure you apply for the SAVE plan. For many of you, this will bring your monthly payments right down and make life much easier. If you’re a high earner, you might need to get on a different plan to keep your payments low. If you need help deciding, I’m right here.

  • 🍀Last chance to complete my survey and win $50
    A huge thank you to everyone who’s completed this survey so far. If you haven’t done it yet, you’ve got one week left. We’ll be announcing the 3 winners next Wednesday—good luck!

    Take the survey

  • ✨Student AidTXT File Reader 2.0—coming soon
    We’ve been working hard to make this free tool even better for you. We heard your feedback, and very soon you’ll be able to see the repayment statuses of your loans over the years.

    Refer a friend below to get access 👇

Student Aid TXT File Reader 2.0 Preview

🔔 Let’s vote,

…which of these two videos would you click on?

Vote here or click the image 👆

🗣️ Referrals

If you’re liking this newsletter, please share the love.

  • 1 referral: Access to our exclusive Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 10 referrals: An invite to a live Q&A/webinar where I’ll answer your questions

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

Before you go, what did you think of today’s newsletter?

You made it til the end, . I appreciate you.

As always, if you want help getting your loans wiped out or deciding on a repayment plan—my calendar’s wide open for you.

Take care,
