🎓 Millions can skip July payments

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Welcome to the 144 new readers this week! They've joined 16,183 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hey friends,

We’re a day late this week, but hopefully it’s worth the wait. Thanks for your patience.

Here’s what we’ve got:

  • 🍿 This Saturday: Ask me Anything (live!) (register)

  • ⏭️ Millions of borrowers get to skip payments in July (article)

  • 📆 June 30: One-Time Account Adjustment deadline (video)

  • 💸 Navient’s forgiveness program: explained (video)

  • 🤝 Employers match student loan payments in 401k (article)

  • ⚖️ Americans divided on student debt efforts (article)

  • 🎤 Each presidential candidate’s take on student loans (article)

Hit play…

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🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 📹 This Saturday: Ask me Anything (live!)
    Got questions about private loans? Legal matters? How all these forgiveness plans connect? Bring them along to a live session this Saturday 22nd at 11am EST, and I’ll answer them.
    Register now ($5)

  • ⏭️ Millions of borrowers get to skip payments in July
    While servicers scramble to recalculate payments for people enrolled in SAVE, they’re giving everyone a month off.
    Hear my take (06:19)

  • 📆 June 30: One-Time Account Adjustment deadline
    For many federal borrowers, this adjustment (AKA, the IDR Waiver) could speed up your journey to forgiveness. Some of you will qualify automatically. Others will need to consolidate.
    Find out more (00:01)

  • 💸 Navient’s forgiveness program: explained
    Since the news broke that Navient would forgive some private loans, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it. So I’ve come up with some answers, using this research by Mokie Ginger and the Reddit community as a guide.
    Watch the video
    Prefer reading? Here’s a blog about it

  • 🤝 Employers match student loan payments in 401k
    A lot of you know how hard it is to save for retirement while paying your student loans. That’s why some employers are rolling out a benefit this year where they’ll match your student loan payments in 401k contributions.
    Hear my take (07:11)

  • ⚖️ Americans divided on student debt efforts
    This survey revealed that Americans are split across party lines when it comes to the importance of student debt forgiveness. And I have some thoughts about it.
    Hear my take (07:52)

  • 🎤 Each presidential candidate’s take on student loans
    A guy I know at Forbes did this great write-up on where each 2024 candidate stands on student loans. But let’s be real. We’re only interested in hearing about one candidate in particular…
    Here’s what I think (10:27)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: “Does divorce put my forgiveness at risk?”
    Last Friday, we answered a question from Angela, who was worried that her forgiveness might be at risk if she got divorced. If this has been on your mind too, give this a watch.

    Watch the discussion

🤩 Ask me anything

(Almost) every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. Got one for me?

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
