You might need to take extra steps for forgiveness

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Welcome to the 138 new readers this week! They've joined 12,731 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hey friends,

Buckle up. We’ve got a big update this week.

  • 🚨More loans get forgiven under the IDR Waiver

  • 🔜SAVE forgiveness could happen next week

  • ⏱️ Are you on track for forgiveness?

  • ⚖️ Should you enrol in SAVE?

  • 💸Giveaway: win a free 1:1 call with me (worth $200)

  • ⏯️ New video: Tax implications for forgiveness?

  • 👀I spill the beans on my business model

And more…

Ready? Come on in and hit play.

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🔍 A closer look at this week’s stories

  • 🚨More loans get forgiven under the IDR Waiver
    Today, another batch of people (clients included) got their loans forgiven as part of the IDR one-time account adjustment. This happens every 2 months. So if you’re expecting an email, hang tight.
    Watch me explain the IDR Waiver

  • 🔜SAVE plan forgiveness could start next week
    Yep, more forgiveness. A couple weeks ago, I dropped this video on the new ‘fast-tracked’ SAVE forgiveness. This week, attorney Adam Minsky published an update on the perks of SAVE, eligibility, and how this ‘fast-tracked’ forgiveness works.
    Read all about it

  • ⏱️ Are you on track for forgiveness?
    If you’re waiting on the one-time account adjustment, you’ll get that no matter which repayment plan you’re in. But if you’re hoping for the SAVE plan forgiveness, you’ll need to enrol in SAVE first.
    Find out more

  • ⚖️ Should you enrol in SAVE?
    SAVE is great for a lot of people. But for high earners, it might not be. Use the Loan Simulator to compare plans and see which is right for you.
    Compare all plans

  • 💸Giveaway: win a free 1:1 call with me (worth $200)
    $200 isn’t always easy to come by. That’s why I’m giving away a free consultation call to one of you. To enter the giveaway, refer one person to this newsletter.
    1 referral = 1 entry.
    Enter the giveaway

  • 🤨“Tate, what happened to the video Q&A?”
    We can’t keep up with all the questions you send us—but we’re trying. So now, we’ll be dedicating a whole video every week to your questions. First video is coming next Wednesday.
    Submit your question

  • ⏯️ New video: Tax implications for forgiveness?
    A lot of you are wondering if you’ll be taxed on your loan forgiveness. So I broke it down in this video and shared some strategies.
    Watch the video

  • 👀Interested in my business model?
    YouTube creator Alex Antolino interviewed me about my lawyer-creator business model. If you’re curious, check it out. If you’re just here for student loans stuff, keep scrolling!
    Watch this interview

🤩 Ask me anything

Every week (starting next week!) I’ll share an entire video where I answer your questions. Got something you want to ask?

🗣️ Share this newsletter

Share this newsletter with someone who’s struggling, and get this in return:

  • 1 referral: 1 x Entry into a giveaway for a free 1:1 call with me, Tate

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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I hope you found something here useful. If you’re still stuck worrying about your loans, I’m always here to help.

Take care,
