🤑 27,584 borrowers get refunds

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Welcome to the 153 new readers this week! They've joined 14,037 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hello friends,

I’ve got a lot to tell you about this week. Let’s dive right in.

  • ❓Who should consolidate by April 30? (video)

  • 🤝 Experiencing hardship? Here are your options (link)

  • 🏫 Public Service Loan Forgiveness Explained (video)

  • 📅 Enrolled in SAVE? Your payments may drop soon (link)

  • 😰 Pressure mounts on Sweet v Cardona lawsuit (link)

  • 🗳️ Young democrats + republicans support forgiveness (link)

  • 🤑 27,584 scammed borrowers get refunds (link)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: “Help! I went to a sham school” (video)

  • 📹 Saturday March 30: Ask me anything—live! (register)

Ready? Hit play 👇

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🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 🤝 Experiencing hardship?
    Biden is cooking up new forgiveness plans for people experiencing hardship. But some of you might already be eligible for relief under an existing program, from bankruptcy to disability discharge.
    Explore your options

  • 🏫 New video: Public Service Loan Forgiveness Explained
    Many public service workers are getting their loans completely wiped out. Wondering if you’re eligible?
    Watch the video

  • 📅 Enrolled in SAVE? Your payments may drop soon

    For a lot of you, July 1 2024 will be the day your payments get cut in half. If you borrowed for undergrad and/or grad school, your monthly payments could drop from 10% of your discretionary income to 5%.

  • 😰 Pressure mounts on Sweet v Cardona lawsuit
    The borrowers embroiled in the Sweet v Cardona lawsuit were meant to have their full loan balances wiped out six weeks ago. With the deadline long gone and still no forgiveness, the courts have been asked to step in.
    Read the story

  • 🗳️ Young democrats + republicans support forgiveness
    A new survey shows there’s a lot of bipartisan support for student debt relief among young people. Which is interesting, but unsurprising.
    Hear my take (4:53)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: “Help! The school I went to was a sham”
    Last Friday, we helped 58-year-old Jenny who’s stuck paying Parent PLUS loans she borrowed to put her daughter through the Art Institute—which didn’t deliver the value she was promised.
    Watch the video

  • 📹 Saturday March 30: ask me anything (live!)
    Got questions about forgiveness? Private loans? Parent PLUS loans? Join me next Saturday at 11am EST where I’ll answer your questions live. It’s $5 to join, and there will be a recording.
    Register for the webinar

  • 💸 Giveaway reminder: win a 1:1 call with me (worth $200)
    $200 isn’t always easy to come by. So I’m giving away a free consultation call to one of you. To enter, refer two people* to this newsletter. We’ll announce the winner in a few weeks.
    1 referral = 1 entry.
    Enter the giveaway
    * Our system wasn’t rewarding people with one referral, so we had to increase the limit to two.

🤩 Ask me anything

Every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. Check out last week’s video. Got a question for me?

🗣️ Share this newsletter

Share this newsletter with someone who’s struggling, and get this in return:

  • 2 referrals: 1 x Entry into a giveaway for a free 1:1 call with me, Tate

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
