✋ Don't panic

Welcome to the 211 new readers this week! They've joined 10,546 readers getting no B.S. student loan news.

Hey !

Let’s dive right into this week’s stories:

  • ✋ If your bill is wrong—don’t panic

  • 🆕 Updates on Biden’s forgiveness “Plan B”

  • 📹 This Saturday: Ask me anything—live!

  • 💸 Options for private loan borrowers

  • 📣 I need your feedback

And more…

Fix yourself a drink, and press play 👇

(Psst…watch til the end to hear your questions answered)

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low down:

  • If your bill is wrong, don’t panic

    Millions of peoples’ bills have been messed up since payments restarted. If you’re one of them, don’t worry. The government knew there’d be screwups. That’s what the 12-month on-ramp is for—you can miss payments for a year without getting punished.

    (And don’t worry, the servicers are getting a slap on the wrist for their f*ckups.)

  • 🆕Updates on Biden’s forgiveness “Plan B”
    We don’t have all the details yet, but they’ve released more info on who will be eligible for this new forgiveness round.
    See who’s eligible

  • 📹 This Saturday: Ask me anything—live!
    Got questions but aren’t ready to pay the consultation fee? Come along to my webinar this Saturday, and I’ll answer your (general) questions. Register here

  • 📊 Poll results: Private loans are giving you hell
    Last week I asked what’s causing you the most anxiety. Most of you mentioned your private loans, which didn’t surprise me at all. Watch the video above for more advice. But in a nutshell, here are your options:

    1. You can refinance

    2. You can negotiate a settlement

    3. You can file for bankruptcy

    Still anxious? Here’s another video that dives deeper into all three options.

  • 📣 What do you think of the Friday Deep Dives?
    We want to make sure every email we share is adding value to your life. So whether you read them or skipped them, please let me know.
    Share your thoughts

  • 🎤 Reminder: A call for success stories
    Back again with another call for success stories. If you’ve overcome your loans—either with me or by yourself—I’d be endlessly grateful if you filled out this form right here.
    Share your story

🤩 Ask me anything

At the end of each newsletter video, I answer some of your burning questions. Share yours, and come back next week (or the next) for an answer. If you asked last week, scroll back up and watch the video!

🗣️ Share this newsletter

Share this newsletter with someone who’s struggling, and get this in return:

  • 1 referral: Access to our exclusive Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 10 referrals: An invite to a small webinar, where I’ll answer your questions live

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

📈 Want to see your product or service here?

What did you think of this newsletter?

I appreciate you being here, .

If you ever need 1:1 advice on how to tackle your loans, I’m right here.

Take care,
