🤝 "You get forgiveness, and you get forgiveness!"

...and if you don't yet, there's still hope

Welcome to the 60 new readers this week!

They've joined 7,758 readers getting no b.s. student loan news.

Hey ,

Coming to you live(ish) from Atlanta airport today.

It’s been a wild week. A ton of my clients have seen their student loans evaporate in front of their eyes, while others are left wondering, “when will this happen to me?”

I hope this message will ease some anxiety today.

Let’s get into today’s top stories:

  • 🍾 Celebrating the mass forgiveness

  • 🥺 “When will my loans get forgiven?”

  • 🍿 A webinar for private borrowers

  • 💸 A webinar about the SAVE plan

  • ✨ Exciting things on the horizon

    And more…

I’ve got my airport OJ ready. Grab a drink, come sit with me, and hit play 👇

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low down:

  • 🍾The forgiveness celebrations continue

    This past couple of weeks, a ton of my clients have had their loans forgiven. It’s been beautiful to watch the disbelief turn to tears and then to pure joy. I’ve talked to 80% of the clients who reached out to me. I look forward to talking to the rest of you soon.

  • 🤔“When will it be my turn?”
    A lot of people haven’t noticed a shift in their balances. But trust me—if we’ve worked together and I’ve done everything in my power to put you on the path to forgiveness, it’s going to happen. It might be in a few months, but you’ll get there. If we haven’t worked together yet and you want to get that forgiveness, let’s talk.

  • 🥲 “What about private loan borrowers?”

    I know it’s been aaaall about federal loans recently. But I promise, I haven’t forgotten about you private borrowers. Over the next few months, I’m going to be creating more content tailored to people who want to make their private loans shrink, disappear, or just become more manageable. Watch this space.

  • 🍿Webinar:Managing Private Student Loans🤹
    First on the agenda for private borrowers! On Saturday, September 2, we’ll meet to talk all things private loans. From managing payments to getting rid of your loans completely. You won’t want to miss this.

    Register for free

  • 🍿Webinar: The SAVE Plan: Deep Dive + Q&A💸
    On Saturday, September 9, I’ll host a big Q&A about the much-anticipated SAVE plan. This one’s for federal loan borrowers.
    Register for free

  • New stuff coming soon

    If you’re retired or getting ready to retire, I’ve got good news for you. My team and I are going to start creating videos, blogs, and content just for you. We’ll cover cosigner struggles, Parent PLUS loans, saving for retirement, and more. Stay tuned.

  • 🏆 Congrats to the 3 winners of our survey contest!
    You should’ve received your $50 gift card in your inbox, sent by Emma on my team. Enjoy!

🗣️ Referrals

Liking this newsletter? Share it with someone you know who’s struggling with their student loans.

  • 1 referral: Access to our exclusive Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

📈 Want to see your product or service here?

Before you go, what did you think of today’s newsletter?

Thanks for being here, .

I hope this newsletter has been useful for you. If you ever feel like getting some professional guidance, you can book me in for a 1:1 strategy call.

Take care,
