🌊 More forgiveness rolls in

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Welcome to the 163 new readers this week! They've joined 15,700 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hello friends,

No newsletter video this week. I went out of office to go hang with my team in real life. This is the first time we’ve all met in person and it’s been energizing, affirming and deeply necessary.

We can’t wait to share what we’ve been cooking up for you.

But for now, here are this week’s stories:

  • 🚨 Forgiveness rolls in for Art Institute attendees (link)

  • 🆕 Video: Art Institute forgiveness explained (video)

  • 📆 Consolidation deadline passed—what now? (link)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: Should I send my kids off to college? (video)

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🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 🚨 Forgiveness rolls in for Art Institute attendees
    On May 1, the Education Department announced they’ll be forgiving the loans of 317k+ borrowers who attended The Art Institutes on the basis of the school’s predatory practices.

    Since I posted this video, more questions have come in regarding eligible periods, refunds for paid off loans and how to verify your eligibility.

    As of today, we don’t have the answers to these questions. But we have forwarded them to Bonnie, the FSA Ombudsman. So as soon as we have more information, I’ll share it with you here. Hang tight.

  • 🆕 Video: Art Institute forgiveness explained
    When the news broke last week that Biden would be forgiving $6.1 billion of Art Institute loans, I created this video to walk you through it.
    Watch the video

  • 📆 Consolidation deadline passed—what now?
    April 30 was the deadline to consolidate your federal loans to qualify for the one-time account adjustment. And tons of you got your loans forgiven this past weekend.

    What now? Well, I think there’ll be a processing delay up until July. Why? Just because there’s so much other stuff going on, from the implementation of the new rules to FSA taking over the PSLF program.

    So if you’re waiting on forgiveness under the one-time account adjustment, expect delays. And try not to stress too much.

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: Advice for parents with college-age kids
    Dreading the conversation with your child about paying for college? Worried about the potential financial nightmare of student loans and crippling debt? This one’s for you.
    Watch the discussion

🤩 Ask me anything

Every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. Check out last week’s video. Got a question for me?

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  • 2 referrals: 1 x Entry into a giveaway for a free 1:1 call with me, Tate

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
