😵‍💫 More forgiveness mixups?

Welcome to the 105 new readers this week! They've joined 11,268 readers getting no B.S. student loan news.

Hey ,

Here’s what’s going on this week:

  • 😵‍💫 Clearing up forgiveness confusion

  • 💪 Don’t let student loan “shamers” get to you

  • 📆 Important student loan deadlines

  • ⚠️ Watch out for forgiveness scams

  • 🍿 Saturday December 9: Ask me anything—live!

And more…

Ready? Hit play👇

(Psst…watch until the end to hear your questions answered)

🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low down:

  • 😵‍💫Clearing up forgiveness news confusion
    Yesterday, a story broke saying 800,000 borrowers would get forgiveness emails from Biden by the end of the day. This doesn’t mean another 800k people are getting forgiveness—they’re referring to the overall numbers.
    Here’s why we were confused (00:01)

  • 💪Don’t let forgiveness attacks get to you

    If you’ve read this article (or something like it) calling forgiveness plans “sneaky”—don’t let this narrative get to you. The only people who critique forgiveness programs are those who don’t know shit about student loans, or the devastation they can cause.
    Here’s my take (02:03)

  • 📆Important deadlines

    • 1️⃣ December 31 2023: Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) Waiver deadline.

      • What? This means you need to have a consolidation application on file with the government by this date.

      • Who? The people who need to have the consolidation application on file are those whose loans are not owned by the education department (i.e. federal loans), or those who paid on their loans during the pandemic.

      • Why?Here’s all you need to know about consolidation.

    • 2️⃣ July 1 2025: Double Consolidation Loophole ends

      • What? The Double Consolidation Loophole can significantly lower your monthly Parent PLUS payments.

      • Who? All Parent PLUS borrowers can take advantage of this before the deadline.

      • What’s the catch?If you want to take advantage of the IDR Waiver and the Double Consolidation Loophole, you’re probably out of time. You’ll have to pick one.

        Find out more (05:46)

  • ⚠️ Watch out for forgiveness scams
    A lot of people are getting fake forgiveness emails. If you’re unsure, check the domain—a legit forgiveness email will only be from [email protected] or [email protected].
    Learn more

  • 📹 Saturday December 9: Ask me anything—live!
    If you’re not quite ready to book a call with me, this is the next best thing. It’s $5 to join, and I’ll answer your questions live.
    Register here

  • ⭐️ Reminder: A call for success stories
    A huge thank you to everyone who’s submitted their stories of student loan triumph. If you’ve got one too, I want to hear from you.

    Share your story

🤩 Ask me anything

At the end of each newsletter video, I answer some of your burning questions. Share yours, and come back next week (or the next) for an answer. If you’ve asked a question, scroll back up and watch the video.

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  • 1 referral: Access to our exclusive Student Aid TXT File Reader

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for making it til the end, .

I hope we managed to help you in some way today. And if you’re still stuck, I’m always available for a call.

Take care,
