🚨Consolidation deadline extended

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Welcome to the 117 new readers this week! They've joined 15,839 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hey friends,

Let’s dive right into these stories.

  • 🗣️ This Saturday: Ask me anything (live!) (register)

  • ⏰ Consolidation deadline extended (link)

  • 🎉 The one-time account adjustment is safe (video)

  • 😵‍💫 Confused about all these forgiveness programs? (video)

  • 🩺 This state will forgive loans of healthcare workers (link)

  • 📰 News anchor answers private student loan question (link)

  • 🤝 More TikTokers “pay each others debts” with views (video)

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🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 📹 This Saturday: Ask me Anything (live!)
    Got questions about private loans? Legal matters? Bring them along to a live session this Saturday 20th at 11am EST. It’s just $5 to join.
    Register now

  • 🎉 The one-time account adjustment is safe
    Remember the lawsuit Republican officials filed in an attempt to block this program? Good news—it didn’t go through. The program is safe.
    Hear my take (09:29)

  • 😵‍💫 Confused about all these forgiveness plans?
    My SEO guy was too (shoutout to you, Andy). So I put together this guide for him and thought it might be helpful for you all, too.
    Watch this summary (11:31)

  • 📰 News anchor answers private student loan question
    A borrower sent a student loan question to ABC15 News Anchor Nick Ciletti—which he answered with the help of NerdWallet. But did he cover everything?

    Here’s my take (19:24)

  • 🤝 TikTokers “pay each others debts” with views
    After a medical student attempted to pay off his loans using TikTok views, hundreds of other creators have joined in.
    Watch the latest update

🤩 Ask me anything

(Almost) every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. We took a little break the past couple weeks, but we’ll be back with a Q&A video next Friday. Got a question for me?

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
