🚨 Another $6b forgiveness drop

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Welcome to the xxx new readers this week! They've joined 14,037 readers getting B.S-free student loan news.

Hello friends,

Another big batch of stories to get through today.

Let’s get into it.

  • 📹 Saturday March 30: Ask me anything—live! (register)

  • 💰 Biden cancels $5.8b for public service workers (link)

  • 🚨 Drug cartel targets seniors and their timeshares (link)

  • ⏯️ Student Loan Statute of Limitations: Explained (video)

  • 📜 A new lawsuit targets IDR Account Adjustment (video)

  • 💪 Lawmakers try to protect your social security (link)

  • 😰 MOHELA to face questioning for loan mishandling (link)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: “Can I trust my servicer?” (video)

  • 💸 Win a 1:1 call with me (worth $200) (refer two people)

Ready? Hit play 👇

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🔍 No time to watch? Here’s the low-down

  • 📹 Saturday March 30: ask me anything (live!)
    Got questions but not ready for a 1:1 call? Join me this Saturday at 11am EST where I’ll answer your questions live. It’s $5 to join, and there will be a recording.
    Register for the webinar

  • 💰 Biden cancels $5.8b for public service workers
    In their press release last Thursday, The Education Department announced 78,000 borrowers will get relief.
    Hear my take (09:50)

  • 🚨 Drug cartel targets seniors and their timeshares
    A Mexican drug cartel is running call centers offering to buy retirees’ vacation properties, then emptying its victims’ bank accounts. If you’ve got a timeshare, watch out: Cartel employees pose as sales reps, offering to buy timeshare owners’ investments. Once they’ve got the money, they run.
    Read the story

  • ⏯️ Private Student Loan Statute of Limitations: Explained
    In this video, I explain what the statute of limitations means, how it affects your loans, and what happens when it expires.
    Watch the video

  • 📜 Lawsuit targets IDR Account Adjustment
    With thunder comes lightning. And with forgiveness comes backlash. This lawsuit is trying to block the IDR Account Adjustment. But will it pass?
    Watch this video

  • 💪 Lawmakers try to protect social security garnishment
    A group of lawmakers urged the government to stop garnishing seniors’ social security when they default on their student loans.
    Hear my take (11:06)

  • 🗣️ Q&A Fridays: “Can I trust my servicer?”
    Don’t trust your servicer? You’re not alone. Last Friday, we gave 28-year old Samantha advice on ensuring her servicer doesn’t mishandle her loans or threaten her forgiveness.
    Watch the video

  • 💸 Giveaway reminder: win a 1:1 call with me (worth $200)
    $200 isn’t always easy to come by. So I’m giving away a free consultation call to one of you. To enter, refer two people* to this newsletter. We’ll announce the winner in a few weeks.
    1 referral = 1 entry.
    Enter the giveaway
    * Our system wasn’t rewarding people with one referral, so we had to increase the limit to two.

🤩 Ask me anything

Every week, I answer your questions in a Q&A video. Check out last week’s video. Got a question for me?

🗣️ Share this newsletter

Share this newsletter with someone who’s struggling, and get this in return:

  • 2 referrals: 1 x Entry into a giveaway for a free 1:1 call with me, Tate

  • 10 referrals: I’ll answer your specific student loan question privately over email (the next best thing to a 1:1 session)

  • 20 referrals: A free, 20-minute consultation with me (worth $200)

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Thanks for making it this far! I’ll see you again next Wednesday.

Can’t wait that long?

Take care,
